Volunteer Registration Requirements

Volunteer with SOAZ

All volunteers acting as coaches, chaperones or working with athletes on a 1:1 basis, administration, and committee must fill out a volunteer application form and submit the form to the state-level chapter with proper identification.

This form enables Special Olympics Arizona to conduct a screening that ensures athlete safety and ensures volunteer safety under the Special Olympics volunteer policy in case of an accident.

For a copy of these forms or for a copy of the Volunteer Screening Policy, please see the form link on the Special Olympics Arizona Website.


To support the growing interest of the families who provide love, nurturing and support to our Special Olympics athletes, whether on or off the competition field; we, at Special Olympics Arizona, offer a State-wide Families Group – an outreach committee designed to assist families to voice their opinions and assist in strategic planning as we continue to grow, fundraise and provide support to other families.

For more information on how you can become involved with the Families Committee please call 1-800-289-4946.

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